Teaching & Outreach

Courses offered  at Rice University:

EEPS 107, "Climate Change and Extreme Weather."
EEPS 110, "The Earth System, Environment and Society."
EEPS 111, "Inhabiting Planet Earth."
EEPS 433-633, "Climate Dynamics."
EEPS 434-634, "Paleoclimate."

Outreach Resources

  • Climate Change Lecture Slides 2016
  • Dr. Dee is available for climate change lectures, and participates regularly in outreach programs with the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto, Texas. 
  • Stay tuned: Earth Day 2022 at Rice University!
GS CC 2022-1323.JPG

Girl Scout Climate Challenge Materials

We host Girl Scout climate change events once a year at Rice, and we look forward to hosting Girl Scouts from the Houston area for next year's event.


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